By Ms MarQue in Christinexercise Living Magazine
20 pages, published 7/19/2016
Christinexercise Magazine - Living a life pleasing and acceptable to Christ Issue #10 2016 The Year of Jubilee. Restoration, Debt Canellation, Recovery of the lost and Stolen. Final Issue
Christian Exercise Meditation Program
To encourage followers of Christ to apply Gods Word physicallyThis program was developed to stimulate your mind, body and spirit during a physical workout. The fitness industry gives us many different ways to keep our bodies in shape by aerobic's and weight lifting etc... Christinexercise gives us a way to concentrate our inner spirit with our outer being using scripture and movement. God was very specific about the details of our body. He was very meticuluous in our structures, both internal and external. This program was designed as a way for us to link ourselves to the Holy Spirit that lives inside us. God was very specific about the way we should live. He outlines this for us in the Bible. He also tells us that we can do all things through Christ Jesus. God gives us many things through our belief and acknowledgment of Him. Matt. 21:22 "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer". If our actions are done with God as the center and the focus, then the result is gloryifying God and we will be in His glory. Our bodies are Gods temples. We are to offer ourselves as living sacrifices. Romans 12:1 This program is a way for us to learn how to make all our physical actions homage to God. We are saying thank you for the body God gave us to live in, as well as releasing all the junk that we have allowed to live with us. (That could be extra weight, any physical, mental emotional baggage, or relationships). God allows us free will, Yes. It is that free will that we have abused to such a degree that we have lost the base of our being. That is where we find God and the Holy Spirit in us. When you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life, you begin to hear Him speaking to you. Through obedience you are guided and God takes care of you. To get started become a member. Click the member tab. Enter Exercise to get into the page. Looking forward to working out with you. Be blessed. |